Latest news
2024. 10. 13. CAC Show Vasszécseny (HU)

RED CAROLINE BEHIND THE MASK - Stark: Champion class: exc1, BEST OF
2024. 08. 10. CAC Show Csempeszkopács (HU)

2024. 06. 28. -29 CACIB Show Pápa (HU)

29 06 2024: RED CAROLINE BEHIND THE MASK - Stark: Champion class:
About Us
Thank you for visiting my website and let me introduce myself in a few words:
My name is Brigitta Tibold. My enthusiasm to the breed began at 8 when I read Eric Knight's novel: Lassie Come Home. Then I decided to have such a breed once I can afford.
I had to wait 25 years ...
In 2009 we bought our first Rough Collie - Shelly -, who turned out to be a fantastic family dog besides having my 2 toddlers. She is always ready to have a little play with her cheerful, ball loving nature. We bought our second female Jenna (Campobellói Kiss Heavenly Angel) in 2012 from Maria Kiss from the Campobelloi kennel for hobby and show purposes.
At first we just tasted the world of exhibitions, and later achieved more and more beautiful results one after the another.
After that it was not a question that it would be worth realizing my dream and establishing my kennel with such a beautiful dog. This is how the Red Caroline Collies Kennel was created. The name I chose is particularly close to my heart, as I named it in memory of my mother, who was called Eva Caroline Red.
My aim in breeding: working ability, good nervous system, appearance and health. To meet these standard requirements as much as possible. Based on these, when selecting the breeding dog (as well as selecting the males), with the necessary health results, I pay close attention not only to the external but also to the internal values.
Being an extremely teachable breed, the Rough Collie can be taught easily for the basic obedience tasks besides he/she keeps a close, protective watch on the family’s home. He/she is full of energy and loves working, and his/her excellent intelligence helps to become a very good sports dog.